Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Something bad happened...

to my Soft Linen Feather and Fan Cardigan by Pam Allen (the link is to Ravelry). If I look at the photo I took before starting the body of the sweater, I can see the problem...NOW. Why couldn't I see it before I knit 12 inches of body?? So I ripped out the body, undid the 3-needle bind off up the back, and ripped back to where the shoulder increases end. At least I didn't have to unsew the underarm/side seam.

I am back working on the body, and the fronts match this time. I think I left out repeats between the shoulder and the neckline beginning, because the sleeves are the same length, and the "waist" is the same on both sides, but the neckline is definitely off.

C'est la vie. Knit and learn. *sigh* Here is the official pattern information: Soft Linen Feather and Fan Cardigan


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