Monday, March 8, 2010

Stitches Swag

From front to back:
Jewel Fiber Designs, 50/50 Merino & Silk, "Taffy"
Wool Candy, Meringue Merino, "Berry Compote"
Pigeonroof Studios, Aphrodite Lace, "Pumpkin"
Three Irish Girls, Adorn Sock, "Kate"
Wool Candy, Meringue Merino, "Swamp Monster"
Kit to make Ysolda's Damson from Dye Dreams, Classy Sox, "Azure"

Now, technically, the Wool Candy, Pigeonroof and Three Irish Girls aren't Stitches West yarn because I bought them at Bobbin's Nest Studio, but it was at their annual Stitches Afterparty, so it still counts.


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