Saturday, November 13, 2010

Help with Spray Painting

Spray Paint Trigger
I use spray paint for little projects around the house like repainting the outdoor furniture. My latest project is painting the front door. I haven't picked a color for the door itself, but there is a window in the door that is framed by a plastic molding.

Over time, the molding has discolored to a dingy yellow (the door faces west and gets a lot of late afternoon sun all summer). Enter the Krylon plastic-covering spray paint. Now, holding the button down on the can makes my index finger and wrist ache after just a few minutes. And I usually end up with paint all over the hand holding the can, so when I saw a trigger that attaches to the can allowing you to use all of your fingers and hand to press the button, I had to get one.

I found this one (see photo) at the local ACE Hardware store. The best $5.00 I've spent in awhile (not including eggnog lattes)!


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